[June Charity] AIDS Concern - NakedLab

[June Charity] AIDS Concern

If you know NakedLab, you will understand that one thing we are truly dedicated to is ensuring that everyone, everywhere gets the most out of their sleep. By educating ourselves about the way sleep health can impact our lives when we’re awake, we can help everyone benefit from the best sleep experience. As well as sleep health, we are equally passionate about mental and physical health, so for this month we have partnered with AIDS Concern, an LGBTQIA+ charity who works in both of these spaces.

Every year, June is Pride Month, a month for celebrating how far the LGBTQIA+ community has achieved, and how far we still have to go. At NakedLab, we are all about diversity, inclusion and equality. It is something we champion, believe in, and work towards; there is no equality until we are all equal, and what better time to make our voices heard than Pride Month?

We have always celebrated Pride, but this year we have gone the extra step and partnered with Hong Kong based, LGBTQIA+ charity, AIDS Concern. As well as celebrating uniqueness, we wanted to support a local organisation that provides a crucial service to the people of Hong Kong.

Although not technically a medical organisation, AIDS Concern provides help to those suffering from HIV and their loved ones, through advice, assistance and support. With the ongoing pandemic - and the restrictions it brings - many organisations have been struggling. This is especially true for those who rely largely on donations, as fundraising events have not been able to take place.

AIDS Concern is one such charity, so NakedLab pledged to donate 10% of all  sales in June. At the same time we wanted to raise awareness of and educate people about HIV, AIDS Concern and the work they do. Education is also the best way to eliminate the long-standing stigma that surrounds HIV and AIDS and those living with it.

We want to thank all our customers for being part of and supporting this initiative, and the crucial work AIDS Concern provides across Hong Kong. To find out more about AIDS Concern, the work they do and how you could get involved, click here.