[Jan Charity] Upcycling Program for Hong Kong Dog Rescue - NakedLab

[Jan Charity] Upcycling Program for Hong Kong Dog Rescue

At NakedLab we are passionate about helping improve the quality of your sleep, providing an elevated sleeping experience, every night.

Dreamy sleep is not the only thing we are passionate about, however. NakedLab started off as a small and humble Hong Kong based company, and as we continue to branch out and grow, we want to give back to our community. We are keen supporters of many local charities and organisations who are a key part of the wider Hong Kong community. We are dedicated to working alongside charities to do our bit, working together to make the world a better place, one step at a time.

At the end of 2021, through 2022, we created a campaign in partnership with HKDR; Hong Kong Dog Rescue, a local charity that works on rehoming and taking care of abandoned dogs across Hong Kong. HKDR relies heavily upon donations and volunteers, both of which have been in short supply during the pandemic. Throughout 2021 the number of dogs being abandoned increased by up to 30%, putting additional pressure onto staff, volunteers and funds.

As a result, many of the shelters were operating at capacity and short of supplies, and we wanted to support the organisation in any way we could. In our talks with HKDR, they told us how they were short of essentials such as bedding, a crucial requirement especially through the winter months. The need for good bedding was obviously made for us, and so…

The NakedLab Donation Campaign was born! We called upon our customers and other groups of people within Hong Kong to donate their old, no-longer-used bedding to help HKDR keep the dogs in their care warm through the winter, until they find their ‘forever home’. We positioned donation bins at a number of locations across Hong Kong, and received a huge response, enabling us (with invaluable help from you) to provide the dogs of HKDR with warm, comfortable winters. We had more donations than we ever expected and had to empty the bins on a regular basis, which was great news!

As a way of saying ‘thank you’ to those who donated, we distributed discount vouchers so that they could replace their bedding with new bamboo bedding, in case anyone had gotten carried away and needed to replenish their supplies (because everyone loves new sheets, and everyone loves a discount!).

Nakedlab are proud to be supporters of causes like HKDR and the work they continue to do, despite the difficulties experienced by all in recent times. We will continue to work with charity partners going forward, and look forward to working with HKDR in years to come.

To find out more about Hong Kong Dog Rescue, donations, volunteering, adopting and the work they do, click here.

To explore the NakedLab and learn about how bamboo bedding can help improve your sleep, click here.