Liv Magazine Women of Wellness: Joyce Lau - NakedLab

Liv Magazine Women of Wellness: Joyce Lau

Tell us about yourself! 

I’m the founder of NakedLab. Actually, I like to say I’m co-founder with my daughter Pia, who is the reason why I started my business in the first place! When she was two months old, she had serious eczema, and I started to focus more on skin and sleep health as a result. I struggled as a new mother shopping for quality bedding that wouldn’t also break the bank. I found most of the options on the market were overwhelming and unreliable. I started to do some research into how the bedding industry worked, and discovered it was actually very ambiguous and antiquated. This personal frustration I had on behalf of my daughter initiated the beginning of our bedding company, NakedLab. 

What did you do before you became an entrepreneur?

I was, and still am, an architect. I think the experience that I gained from training to be an architect really inspired me to become a great entrepreneur. An architect has to have a creative mind, be a problem-solver, be hardworking… I think these are key to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Most importantly, architects are highly affected by our environments. I can see, feel and understand not just in terms of relationships with objects and space, but also relationships with people. I think that’s actually the source of my real passion in life, which is designing and creating homes for people.

Was it challenging to launch a company as a new mum?

Naked Lab has just turned three years old and it has certainly been a turbulent past few months for me after having my second child. But I think passion is everything. I have to admit that sometimes it becomes overwhelming, so I try to keep it simple and take small and steady steps. I had a problem and I wanted a solution. My goal is to have honest and affordable products that don’t compromise on quality. I’ve given myself a very simple goal and I stuck with it. 

What’s your sleep ritual?

I like to find ways to calm and clear the mind to set myself up for a good night of sleep. 

My perfect sleep ritual includes a few things: 

1: I look at my calendar and recap/plan out what I need to do the next day, like preparing my to-do list, so that when I’m awake I’m ready to tackle the day! 

2: I lie on my bed and do a full-body scan to see where I have stressed or tired points. 

3: And then I’ll spend five minutes doing a daily gratitude practice after I’ve done my body scan, once I’m feeling really relaxed. 


Original article published here